
We are committed to ensuring that we work to prevent modern slavery throughout our organization and in our supply chain. This statement highlights the key activities we have undertaken during this financial year to combat modern slavery in our organization and supply chain.  This statement applies to Myonex, LLC and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Myonex Limited (UK), Myonex GmbH (Germany), and Myonex ApS (Denmark) (hereinafter, collectively, “Myonex”). The information included in the statement refers to the financial year ending 31 December 2023.


Organisation and Structure

Myonex is a global leader in the clinical trials supply industry. Working with customers and suppliers around the world, Myonex sources, supplies, and packages, drugs and other pharmaceutical products, including ancillary equipment and supplies, for use in clinical trials.

Myonex maintains its own offices and facilities in Horsham, Pennsylvania (United States), Leicester, United Kingdom, and Berlin, Germany, as well as a warehouse, packaging, and distribution facility in Glostrup (Copenhagen), Denmark operated by a Myonex business partner.  Myonex also maintains a strategic partner depot network spanning countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa.



The Company recognizes that modern slavery encompasses:

  • Human trafficking;
  • Forced work, through mental or physical threat;
  • Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse or the threat of abuse;
  • Being dehumanized, treated as a commodity, or being bought or sold as property; and
  • Being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.



Myonex understands that its commitment to combating modern slavery requires an ongoing review of both its internal practices, in relation to its labour force and, additionally, its supply chains.

Myonex does not enter into business with any other organisation if we know, or have reason to believe, that the business is involved in, or connected, with other organisations who are involved in modern slavery, servitude, trafficking, and/or forced or compulsory labour.

Myonex adheres strictly to the applicable standards required in relation to its responsibilities under relevant legislation, in all countries in which we operate.  Specifically, all Myonex employees enjoy terms and conditions of employment that exceed the minimum requirements set out in law.  Myonex does not engage in any form of modern slavery, slave labour, forced or compulsory labor, indentured servitude, or child labor.


Supply Chains

In order to fulfil its activities, Myonex has various supply chains, including those related to the supply of drugs and ancillary pharmaceutical products from various suppliers globally.

Myonex recognises that the highest risks of modern slavery exist in locations within its supply chain where suppliers may have operations in countries where human rights protections may be limited.

In addition to the processes utilized to qualify and re-qualify Myonex suppliers against applicable industry standards (e.g. GMP, GDP), Myonex continues to refine its due diligence approach within its Procurement divisions. We conduct modern slavery risk assessments as part of our vendor qualification process for our drug wholesale and manufacturer suppliers in the UK, rest of Europe, APAC, and Australia, that assesses the supplier’s policies and practices with regard to combating modern slavery (both internally within its organisation and in relation to its suppliers).  The risk assessment is carried out when new vendors are identified and then regularly (at least annually) as part of our ongoing relationship with existing suppliers.

Myonex also includes provisions in its written agreements with suppliers prohibiting the use of forced, bonded, involuntary, slave, indentured, or child labor.



To its knowledge, no Myonex group company has ever conducted any business with another organisation which has been found to have involved itself with, or which Myonex reasonably suspects has been involved in, modern slavery. Should any supplier be found to or be reasonably suspected of being involved in modern slavery, Myonex will seek to terminate its relationship with that supplier or take other measures as may be reasonably necessary or appropriate to address the situation. We will continue to closely monitor the data received through our supplier risk assessments, and any other source which comes to our attention, and we will take any action necessary where any concerns may be raised.

In 2023, Myonex implemented a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics which includes our commitment to preventing modern slavery throughout our organization and also contains policies and procedures in relation to anti-corruption and whistleblowing.  The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics is published to all Myonex employees and training is conducted annually.  Via our core values, all employees are actively expected to ‘Care for the welfare of all’ and we therefore encourage all Myonex employees to report any suspected cases of modern slavery.  There are currently multiple channels available to Myonex employees to report workplace related concerns.  Myonex employees are encouraged to discuss any workplace related concerns with their supervisor or a member of the Myonex human resources team.   Myonex also maintains an ethics hotline which allows Myonex employees to report serious instances of company-related misconduct confidentially and anonymously.

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be reviewed for each financial year.

Signed and approved by Matt Grace, Vice President, Clinical Trial Drug Sourcing